Whale Medicine

Since September last year, whales have been visiting me through dreams and journeys, moments of stillness and swimming within bodyheartmind. I’ve been singing to them while playing in the waves and listening to the songs they sing to me in various ways, the wisdom they carry.

Yesterday, after I danced a sunset dancespeak with mama ocean, I knelt down and touched the sand, felt her waters, received her power. I sighed a sigh of awe at her unyielding depths and beauty, and the thought drifted through my mind…

‘When will I see whale?’

I stood up and, as I looked towards the horizon, as the sun was setting, there she was. She flew out from the waters, about 30 metres out from the shore. She stayed there, playing in the water, breaching many times, before swimming off (quite literally) into the sunset.

I stayed, quite speechless, heart full, feeling so intricately part of that moment, part of the waters, part of the sunset sky, inseparable from life’s fertile body and infinite potential, for some time.

This Hafiz quote came to mind as I stood blowing kisses toward whale, toward the ocean, toward all within and around me… Thank you Great Spirit.

‘One regret dear world, that I am determined not to have when I am lying on my deathbed is that I did not kiss you enough’ (Hafiz)


Here is a link to some information about Whale Medicine for anyone interested.


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