Dreaming into Being


‘The trick with manifestation is not to talk about it, but to do it. You can tell everyone your plan, you can ask the universe to support you, you can even hold a special fire ceremony to usher it into realization, but it won’t mean anything if you don’t ground it in reality. If you are having trouble manifesting, look honestly and lovingly at what may be in the way- unresolved emotional issues, shame and self-doubt, preliminary practical steps. Don’t sit and spin- work genuinely on what is blocking the path. And, then, when you are ready, channel that energy into constructive action. If you have a dream- DO IT into being.’

Jeff Foster

I read this article this morning (link at bottom of page). It is an interesting take on ‘positive visualisation.’ I have actually had the experience described in this article, being a dreamer myself, and can somewhat relate. The brains capacity to mistake the imagined for the Manifest can be useful in many ways apart from, perhaps, when we really want to pull the thought into being.


Have you ever had that experience when you dream something so much it feels like it’s already happened and then you somehow let it go as if it already did without fulfilling it in the physical realm only to realise later it passed you by?

This article suggests there is a place for what wee seem to be ‘negative’ or ‘obstacles’ and that, in actuality, they are useful to us in bringing our dreams to life, literally.

It seems it’s easer to simply ‘think positively’ or become ‘lost in a dream’ and become despondent than to really make our dreams a reality by accepting the challenges they may face us with, the ways in which they may connect us with deeper aspects of ourselves and actually act as vehicles for our personal development.

Too often, we want to skip to the end result and, by imagining it to be so, we seem to disconnect with the journey it often takes to get there. And, after all, life is about the journey isn’t it?


This man (above) didn’t just magically land at the top of that rock. He had to get there somehow. Had he just landed there he may not have his arms so outstretched in appreciation of his achievement. The obstacles he met on his journey likely both inspired and humbled him in some way and allowed him to appreciate in awe the magic that is life itself, let alone attribute to his depth of experience as a human being.


 We’ve all flitted off into dream land and had the experience of feeling so satisfied with all the ideas we’ve had, and perhaps keep having, and yet nothing around us had shifted. Time to look at why that may be. What are we in denial of in those times? What part of life are we not willing to accept?

So, yes, keep dreaming and dream BIG – why not? But let us also dream those dreams, the ones that really matter, into being. Time to get grounded and get real. And, in doing so, embrace to whole of life.

“There’s nothing wrong with a bit of positive daydreaming if it makes you feel good, so long as you don’t expect anything more than feeling good. “Daydreaming can be great!” Oettingen told me the other day. “It’s only when it comes to actually realizing these dreams that positive dreaming is problematic, because it feigns that you’ve already attained these desired futures. You relax, your energy goes down. It’s a question of: ‘Why face the hardships of the bumpy road to achieving these things in real life, if you can float away on dreams?’”




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